Grounded Grit Jiu-Jitsu Studio

Our Programs

Kids & Teens

Ages 5-8 (Little Legends), 8-16 (Gritty Grapplers)

Childhood is a formative time, where bullying or adversity can do damage far beyond physical harm. Our youth classes offer the same powerful techniques of our adult classes, with a bonus element: self-reflective “stretch talks,” woven into the techniques of the day. Filled with reflection and nuance, these discussions challenge kids to become critical thinkers about their choices and circles. Our aim is to create thoughtful, self-possessed humans, capable of battling the visible and invisible enemies of life—not simply insecurity wrapped in fighting ability.

Jiu-Jitsu Fundamentals

Entry-level Co-ed Class

The beauty of any art usually begins with how it speaks to our most authentic, basic expectations. In jiu-jitsu’s case, this means practical, effective, and efficient self-defense. Our entry-level fundamentals program weaves together the 40 most commonly used and versatile techniques of jiu-jitsu for a best-in-class crash course in street safety.

Infinite Games

Advanced-level Co-ed Class

Infinite Games is our advanced program—an exploration into the entirety of jiu-jitsu. Though the journey can be intimidating in its breadth and complexity, it is taught with novel, heuristic approach that creates practitioners capable of learning, dynamic creativity, and effectiveness in open-ended situations. Over time, each student transcends generic imitation into unique innovation.

Private Lessons

Individual or Semi-Private

Progress can be an elusive goal. Hurdles may present as themselves physical, mental, emotional, or psychological. Sometimes a breakthrough requires a single silver-bullet technique to plug a small leak in your game. Other times, an organizing principle to more fluently command the power of your repertoire is needed. And what’s most often overlooked is a re-framing of perspective to encourage a flow state, where play and progress go hand-in-hand. Whatever the case, private lessons can always be the multi-faceted support you’ve been looking for.

Women’s Self-Defense

Women Only Jiu-Jitsu (Coming soon!)

Effective martial arts make no distinction between men or women. Society, however, presents women with a unique set of threat-scenarios that often go overlooked in an average self-defense class. Our women’s self-defense class arms women with the key skills and spectrum of responses specifically designed to neutralize these dangers and ensure a safe return home.

Grounded Grit Jiu-Jitsu

Leveraging jiu-jitsu to refine the self. Greater selves for a positive-sum community.

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Contact Us

Have a question about one of our programs? Or about our training philosophy? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!